Monday, February 9, 2009

Meeting: 2/10/09

So tomorrow, following recruit interviews which should last about 30min, we will have a full meeting.

So far I have on the agenda:
  • Presentation on proper structure of meetings.
  • Voting on recruits.
  • Pledge Ceremony preparation.
  • Reviewing the blog: Purpose and how to use it.
  • Fundraising.
Email any other items needing to be discussed to

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Event: Bowling!

It's becoming a tradition for us all to go bowling at the end of rush. So I hope everyone can make it this Saturday!

Date: Saturday, Feb. 7
Time: 7pm
Place: Brunswick Zone - 2200 San Jacinto Blvd
Guests Allowed: Yes

Comment to RSVP.

Internship Opportunity for Summer-Fall 09

Below is an email I received from Caryn Crane of the National Society of Leadership and Sucess about an internship this summer and fall.

Hello Nicole,
My name is Caryn and I am the Internship Coordinator for The National Society of Leadership and Success. I found your email address on the University of North Texas Student Organizations list and am reaching out to you to present an internship opportunity I have for the Summer and Fall 2009. Below is a description of the internship. Please read through the description and if you are interested, email your resume to this address. If there is anyone else in your organization that you feel would be a great fit, please share this with them as well. I look forward to hearing from you. Please do not hesitate to contact me either via email or by phone 800-601-6248 X21.

Enjoy the rest of your semester!

Gain Real World Experience With An On-Campus Paid Internship

You will lead a national leadership society's chapter in helping students achieve their aspirations. This is an opportunity to make your mark oncampus and create lasting positive change in hundreds of students' lives. It's also an opportunity to build a team of likeminded students focused towards success and reaching goals. The internship involves: Promotingand facilitating monthly video conferences featuring the nation's leading presenters, recruiting and supporting board members, securing an advisor, running meetings, participating in conference calls with other student presidents nationwide, public relations with university officials and press, marketing, and other important duties.

Benefits for Interns
  • Networking with extraordinary student leaders nationwideGaining real world experience in marketing, managing, speaking, and PRAn exceptional addition to your resumeOnly self-motivated, positive, high achieving, exceptional students shouldapply.
  • Must have outstanding attention to detail, follow-through,presentation and communication skills, and a desire to improve the qualityof other's lives.

Details about The National Society For Leadership and Success can be found at

This is a paid internship - total compensation is $500 plus a comprehensiveleadership training retreat (travel and hotel accommodations covered bySociety).

Internship Overview

This internship involves working with The National Society of Leadershipand Success to establish a chapter on your campus. The National Officewill supply you with the materials needed and walk you through the steps tomake founding a chapter a reality.

Intern may expect to dedicate an average of 7-10 hours per week.

Internship Tasks
  • Find an advisor and send necessary materials to the National Office forinvitations
  • Select the Executive Board Hold 1 to 2 meetings with the Executive Board per month and send minutes ofeach meeting to Internship Coordinator
  • Host kick-off meetingAssign students to their Success Networking Teams (SNT)
  • Facilitate the Leadership Training Day Run 3 videoconferences in the fall (speakers provided by National Office)
  • Submit weekly progress reports to your Internship Coordinator Participate in monthly Student President Conference Calls (required tofulfill Intern role)
  • Meet with Internship Coordinator on a weekly basis (via the phone)
  • Hold an induction ceremony at the end of the fall semester
  • Make sure all new Executive Board Members are trained to fulfill roles
  • Secure at least half of the funding to continue beyond the first year
  • Payment is made at the end of the fall semester

Send your resume to by Tuesday, February 10,2009.